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Retro Challenge 2016/01, The Aftermath - Further Testing

It has been, "Slow Going" for the past 45 days..

I have spent a some time on getting the Communication working on the Ethernet from the Apple ][ to Server on Windows 7. I still have some Communication Issues and Buffer Issues, so no progress has been made on the actual Game Server or Client...

I hope to have a working Network Transport by the end of the month.

Retro Challenge 2016/01, The Aftermath - Source Code Editing

Editing Assembler Source in Merlin 8, on one of my Apple //e Enhanced computers.

I am trying to get Two Way communication working between my Socket Server on a Windows 7 System and my Apple //e with the Uthernet II card.

Retro Challenge 2016/01, FINAL

Well, I didn't get to where I wanted to...

But I got some communication working between a Socket Server and the Socket Client on the Apple ][.

Server Code posted here: Use Socket_Server_03.exe

Client Code in Merlin Pro 8 here: Use BLOAD TCP_04 and CALL 32768

Retro Challenge 2016/01, Week #3 - Making a Connection from the Apple //e and Uthernet II and the Socket Server on a Windows 7 PC

So wanted to get my Apple ]] with the Uthernet II Communicating with my Socket Server..

David Finnigan ( AKA Dog Cow ) is writing the manual for the Uthernet II, and in the PDF from Page 23 ( PDF Page 26 ) to Page 32 ( PDF Page 35 ), there is a program to connect by TCP to a Socket Server on Port 20000.

So I copied the Source Code from the PDF, and pasted it into a Column Editor and removed the Machine Code at the beginning of each of the Lines and the Header/Footer Information. Then a Checked the Code against the PDF.

Retro Challenge 2016/01, Week #3 - I got code from the Uthernet II Manual to Assemble and Connect to my Server!!

I copied Code from the Manual, ( literally ) and got it to Assemble and Connect!!!

Details coming tomorrow..

Retro Challenge 2016/01, Week #2 - Computer Drawn Mazes

A little Google Search for "maze generation in basic" returned a Lot of Results, but one of the First Ones, and it was NOT in BASIC, but in Dart, but Very Very Cool.. ( You have GOT to try the Interactive Graphics!!! ) I really need to Take this One apart:
Rooms and Mazes: A Procedural Dungeon Generator

Retro Challenge 2016/01, Week #2 - Testing the Uthernet IIs


My Uthernet II collection:

One of my Apple //e, Enhanced System, with a 512K RAM WORKS III and Super Serial Card, and standard Disk ][ Controller.

Retro Challenge 2016/01, Week #1 - Alternate Servers

Looking at the Uthernet II page today, I see there is a couple of Web Servers demos that are available..



Also, the Uthernet II Manual has been updated as of 06-JAN-2016.


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