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RetroChallenge 2018/04 starts Tomorrow!!!!

Well, it's Time...

Retrochallenge is back...

My goal is still the same... Networked Games for Classic Computers...


In the previous year, there has been made available an RS-232 to WiFi Module from the Commodore Community from CBMSTUFF, which is Jim Drew, an established hardware provider.

The possibility of reaching this goal has increased dramatically because of Networking Improvements made in the last three months, specifically for the Tandy Color Computer ( CoCo ).

Allen Huffman has a simple, direct WiFi solution that uses the RS-232 Pak, of which are not as common as the CoCo with it's Built In, Bit-Banger Port, and Jim Brain of Retro Innovations is developing a new RS-232 Pak replacement so the viability of this Hardware is a certainty.