So here I am again...
I signed up for the 2016/10 Retrochallenge, but never got off the Starting Line..
This time, I started Early... ;)
I limited my Focus:
"To make this a project that actually can be completed in time, I am "attempting" a Multi-Player, Networked Text Adventure, with a Server running on a modern PC, and the Clients being the Apple ][, ( with the Uthernet II Card ) and the Tandy CoCo, ( with a Serial Port and a Lantronix UDS-10/100/1000 )."
This limits my scope to getting the Client and Server software done in 30 days... And not focusing on the Networking portion.
I am getting my Communication Solutions finalized before 01-APR-2017:
Apple ][ Uthernet II ( and possibly the Lantronix UDS-10 )
Tandy CoCo 1, 2, or 3 and Lantronix UDS-10
For the CoCo I have Code ( See the COMM4 and COMM6 Programs ) from Bill Yakowenk that looks pretty tested..
Many Thanks to Salvador Garcia ( via Allen Huffman )
Since I will Batch Process the Data, I don't think there will be any Issues with the main CPU and Reading the Incoming Data..
So, Forward we Go!!!!